Let There Be Light! Go Fund Me Campaign - click above for details
The Campaign goal is $25,000 to purchase basic lighting needs.

We have some exciting news to share! We’ve recently partnered with a program called the RoundUp App that allows you to “round up” the change from your debit or credit card purchases and donate it to us monthly.

Support DVO on the Round-Up App - Click Here

This is a way for you to support our mission just by donating your change. It’s small change for you but truly a game changer for us, so we would be honored if you would commit to give in this way. You can download the app for iPhone, Android or create an account on the Web.

Please let us know if we can answer any questions or provide more information. Our mission would not be possible without you, so thank you again for your loyalty and support!

Take a look at this 90 second video that explains how it works: