Let There Be Light! Go Fund Me Campaign - click above for details
The Campaign goal is $25,000 to purchase basic lighting needs.

Buoyant DVO makes this ‘Widow’ dance

The River Reporter, Arts & Leisure - (Original Article here)

Opera season returns to the Upper Delaware

by Tom Kane

NARROWSBURG, NY — You don’t know how close the Delaware Valley Opera (DVO) came to not opening its 2009 season.

Like all artistic companies, be they opera, ballet, symphony or amateur theater, DVO is struggling for its life. Despite the realities of the economic downturn, the DVO board and its cadre of singers, instrumentalists and stage workers decided to give their all and have a shortened season. Instead of 12 performances it will hold eight.

In order to have these performances, DVO canceled its young singers training program which was to be offered by the team of Nico and Carol Castel, who train singers in diction (Nico, a veteran of the New York Met) and stage craft and vocal production (Carol). Carol, no stranger to DVO, directed several of the most successful DVO productions in recent years.

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